U1 1

Pyramid of Probability – Two stepped pyramids

Slide 5 von 6

Two stepped pyramids

Local and non-local effects in classical probabilities.


Local and non-local effects in classical probabilities: Already in classical physics measurements do change all probabilities non-locally, but only because our knowledge about the state changes, but not the state itself.

Next, we compare two stepped pyramids. In the case of the right-hand pyramid, we open a box on Level 3, blocking the route to this box before the balls drop.
The probabilities in the right-hand pyramid only change compared to the left-hand pyramid in the direct vicinity of the box opened in the following way: N is the large number of balls dropping through the pyramid. If p is the probability for an individual ball to reach this box, N times p balls will land in each box.

For Level 2, the ball distribution is still the same for both pyramids, namely N/4, N/2, N/4.
For Level 3, it is N/8, 3N/8, 3N/8, N/8 for the left-hand pyramid. For the right-hand pyramid, however, the distribution is N/8, 5N/8, 0 and 2N/8. The value for the box on the far left remains the same for both pyramids, that is, N/8.


In the right-hand pyramid, the opening and blocking of the box already prior to taking the measurement has led to a local change in the probabilities. Only the probabilities of the directly adjacent boxes are affected.

A local change in the probabilities is independent of the measurement. A non-local change in the probabilities only occurs through a measurement.

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