U1 1

Pyramid of Probability – Conclusions

Slide 6 von 6


Which step is still missing to derive the path integral?


Let us summarise what we have found out about paths and probable locations of an individual particle in a stepped pyramid, and, for that purpose, look at the path of a particle from A to B.

1. The probability P (“A to B”) of the particle to reach Box B is determined by the sum of the individual probabilities P_k of all possible paths k = 1, 2, 3 to that box.

2. The measurement in a box affects the probability of the balls being located in any other causally connected boxes, irrespective of how far away from the measuring point these boxes are.

For the transition from the pyramid of probability to quantum physics, a further conceptual step is necessary, which is dealt with at the Station U1-06, “The Heart of Quantum Physics”.


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