U1 11

Entangled photons – Shadow worlds and Quantum dimension

Slide 11 von 11

Shadow worlds and Quantum dimension

Does the hidden quantum dimension cause an observable world without hidden parameters - or do hidden parameters cause a local, realistic world without quantum dimension?


The concept that digital data swims on a “sea of oscillations”, on the surface of the quantum dimension has far-reaching consequences. On the one hand, at least in principle, any information may be invisibly connected with any other information. Such correlations exist, even if we are not aware of them. In the microcosm, the world does not appear to be getting smaller, but larger and multi-dimensional, however, at the expense of loss of direct observation.

On the other hand, the awareness of such correlations can enable new technological paths in quantum communication, e.g. in quantum cryptography, and more general, in quantum technology.

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