U1 12

Bell’s inequality – Comparing theory and experiment

Slide 6 von 7

Comparing theory and experiment

The truth is….


We compare the inequality deduced from the assumption of independent measurements with the experiment results.

|C(α1, β1) + C(α1, β2) + C(α2, β1) – C(α2, β2) | ≤ 2

By comparing their random chessboard patterns, Alice and Bob determine the experimental correlation function. We select four angle combinations. Based on the correlation function, 4 • 0.71 = 2.84 emerges. And that is no longer ≤ 2. Thus, the inequality is not fulfilled in this angle combination.

The product approach in regard to the correlation function contradicts experimental findings. The assumption that the measurements do not mutually influence one another is wrong.
Quantum physics can successfully describe this experimental result by non-local interference of amplitudes of product states, whereas the local hidden parameters theory cannot.

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