before and after interaction with Alice and Bob
What happens to Omega once Alice and Bob have „found“ him?
Begin stationStation topics
Birefringence of light
A detour into the 19th century as a door opener to the quantum dimension.
Two shadows of Omega
Omega from the quantum dimension mutates into two shadows of himself when interacting with Alice and Bob.
Experiments with entangled photons
How to create polarisation entangled photons using parametric fluorescence in a nonlinear optical crystal.
The entangled quantum state |Omega>
Appearance of Omega aka the Bell state |Ω> = 1/√2 (|HH>+|VV>) in the experiment.
The rotating Coin
Does Omega hide in a rotating coin?
The Omega-donut in the quantum dimension
Appearance of Omega aka the Bell state |Ω> = 1/√2 (|HH>+|VV>) in the quantum dimension.
Visualization of the measurement process
How Omega gradually becomes a double shadow of himself through interaction with Alice and Bob.
Theoretical calculation of the correlation function
Calculation of the correlation function based on quantum physics.
The measurement results of Alice and Bob
The angle-dependent measurement results of Alices and Bob.
Experimental determination of the correlation function
What is the difference between information and correlation?
Shadow worlds and Quantum dimension
Does the hidden quantum dimension cause an observable world without hidden parameters - or do hidden parameters cause a local, realistic world without quantum dimension?