U1 8

Polarization of Light – Polarisation of single photons in the quantum dimension

Slide 7 von 8

Polarisation of single photons in the quantum dimension

Vibrations in the Quantum Dimension - Visualizations of nodes and anti-nodes of invisible amplitudes.


Let us consider the probability distribution P-White of alpha, displayed as red oval line.
At each angle, we replace the probabilities by amplitudes, symbolised by rotating wheels. Thus, we obtain an oscillation in the quantum dimension, which is shown here by a luminous, white, oscillating circle.

This oscillation has a nodal line on the x-axis, corresponding to horizontal polarization, and an antinode on the y-axis, corresponding to vertical polarization. Thus, the amplitude for vertical polarization is maximal when measured in the y-axis, and decreases to zero on the x-axis.


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