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Visit for building instructions for our 3D printed Michelson interferometer.
Besides the single and double slit, there are also many other important interference experiments in physics. Here, we see an interference pattern generated by the Michelson interferometer. If we hold hands into various points in the laser light, routes are blocked and we can discern the change in the interference pattern. If we block Path A and Path B, no light falls onto the screen. If we block either Path A only or Path B only, no interference pattern appears.
As we have held a hand into the beam to suppress a path of light, an interference pattern now and then flashes into the close-up shot. That occurs due to the small gap between the fingers, through which a photon wave can again run through Path A, which then interferes with the wave from Path B.
Here we see an interference pattern, which is generated by the so-called Michelson interferometer.
A laser light hits a beam splitter. Before the photons hit the observation screen, they travel along two possible paths via the mirrors A and B. Depending upon the difference in the wavelengths or the path difference between two routes, bending minima and maxima emerge on the screen, which we perceive as interference rings.
If we block off Path A and Path B with the hand, no light makes it to the screen.
If we block either Path A only or Path B only, the light only falls on the screen via the remaining path, and the interference pattern disappears.
As, in order to suppress the one path of light, we have held a hand into the beam, if a small gap remains between the fingers an interference pattern now and again flashes into the close-up shot, and in fact both paths can contribute.
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